Social Meet: 27/07/10

This post is an archive cross-post from the old UALUG website. Links might be broken.

Hi everyone, this post is to announce details of the meeting next week.

This will be a casual meet and greet for new, old, and prospective LUG members to get to know each other. We may also discuss ideas for events to hold in the next few weeks.

If you haven’t come to a UALUG meeting before, this is a perfect place to start!

Meeting Details

Date: 27/07/2010

Time: 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Location: Engineering Cafe

This is located on level 3 of the Engineering building at the University of Auckland. If in doubt, you can enter the building from the Symonds St entrance (level 4) and go down the stairs in the seating area.

All welcome, please come along!

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