What We’ve Been Up To

This post is an archive cross-post from the old UALUG website. Links might be broken.

Hello! We’ve been quite busy lately! Here’s a summary of what we’ve been up to.

We’ve had weekly social meetings on Tuesdays 4pm, at the Albert Park band rotunda. Activities so far have included a game of Mafia, and a visit from Gary from Tangleball with his Reprap Machine.

ITS Data Centre Tour – we visited the impressive data centre that runs the University’s various applications and infrastructures, guided by the IT manager at the centre. Check out the photos in our photo gallery.

There are more exciting activities coming up this semester! Sign up to our mailing list, join in our IRC channel, or follow us on Facebook and stay tuned – detailed instructions are on the Community page. We also need help! Go to the Contribute page for stuff we could use a hand with, or just suggest a new idea. :)

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